Since its creation in 1,982 , CAMINO leads more than 30 years in the sector of the industrial vehicle. During all these years, our main objective has been to satisfy the needs of our customers, committed to the highest quality of our manufactured by what we have always incorporated the best human and material resources to our productive process.
Our company has distinguished itself by manufacture vehicles with innovative design adapted to the specific needs of our customers , offering a personalized and direct contact to offer a fast and efficient customer service.
The strategy of our company has been continuously improving our entire production process and the constant development of new vehicles making a major commitment by our department I + D + I ( Investigation + Development and Innovation ) with the firm intention of using technology most advanced for the manufacture of our products.
CAMINO creates technological solutions to the transport layer in the different sectors of the economy through the manufacture of industrial vehicles adapted to the specific needs of our clients to achieve maximum efficiency, always supported on continuous improvement and quality as essential elements of our production process.
Our values:
For CAMINO, the quality is one of the basic objectives of our manufacturing , all vehicles manufactured are subjected to the most exhaustive controls over the course of the production process and ensure the highest quality since entry of the line production to final delivery to the client.
CAMINO considers the people that are part of its organization most important active by valuing the individual and group effort to achieve the objectives and always supported in a personal continuing formation.
Our company has been at the forefront in the sector of the industrial vehicle and leads the manufacture of projects of new vehicles to important international companies ( construction companies , infrastructure , solar energy and mining) developing vehicles for the transport needs of these companies.
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All our actions and objectives make our company is fully committed to the tracking of ethical policies, the equality, social responsibility and environmental responsibility with our natural environment.
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A fundamental element of our success has been to find the anticipation of the needs of our clients and offer them technical solutions and economically viable to meet their objectives, becoming artisans of its growth and business development.
CAMINO currently manufactures vehicles for different sectors of the economy not only for the Spanish market but also to the South American and African markets adapting to the specific characteristics of each country.
Internationally, our company has exported its vehicles to countries like Emirates , Angola , Algeria, Cuba , Morocco , Mauritania , Mozambique , Senegal, South Africa and Venezuela.
FRENOS CAMINO, S.L. ha recibido una ayuda de la UNIÓN EUROPEA con cargo al Fondo Next Generation EU, en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, para INSTALACIÓN FOTOVOLTAICA CONECTADA A RED CON EXCEDENTES ACOGIDOS A COMPENSACIÓN, dentro del programa de incentivos ligados al autoconsumo y almacenamiento, con fuentes de energía renovable, así como la implantación de sistemas térmicos renovables en el sector residencial del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, gestionado por la Junta de Andalucía, a través de la Agencia Andaluza de la Energía.